جهاز اكتشاف الذهب for Dummies
How to Find Gold With a Metal Detector
Metal detectors are an excellent way to search for gold. These electronic devices are easy to use and can save you time by letting you know when you hit something valuable in the ground. However, they are not foolproof. There are several factors that can mask the signal from a gold nugget. Some of these factors include iron and other minerals.
Iron and other metals have very similar characteristics to gold, making it hard for a metal detector to find them. The detector will overload if it hits large amounts of these materials, masking the gold signal and preventing it from being detected. This is why it is important to only search in areas with minimal amounts of trash.
Another way that gold can be masked by other metals is through the mineral makeup of the soil. If there are high levels of minerals like magnetite, chromium garnet, and black picrolimite in the soil, these minerals can give a false reading on a metal detector. This can cause a person to think that they have found gold when, in fact, it may be another mineral or even nothing at all.
To prevent this, a person can purchase a more specialized metal detector that has been designed to be less sensitive to these minerals and other common soil conditions. These specialty metal detectors are usually a lot more اجود انواع اجهزة كشف الذهب expensive than other types of metal detectors, but they can help to make a search for gold much more successful.
When searching for gold with a metal detector, it is important to remember that you can also find other precious and semi-precious stones as well. These stones can be valuable, especially when they are cut and polished into gems. In addition to finding gemstones, a person can also find valuable gold and silver coins when using a metal detector.
A good place to look for gold is in the inside bends of a creek or river. These areas have gravel bars where gold often accumulates. It is also possible to find gold in cracks and crevices in bedrock and rocks. These crevices can be formed by erosion, ice, or human activity.
One of the most popular metal detectors for detecting gold is the Fisher Gold Bug. This device can penetrate deep into the earth and locate more gold that was missed by other prospectors. It is expensive, but it can pay for itself if you hit a big jackpot. It is also available in a smaller version, the Gold Bug 2. The latest in this line of gold detectors uses a larger search coil to find more of those hard-to-find gold nuggets that others have missed. It is also very lightweight and has an intuitive user interface.